The registration fees in EUR/RUR for AMSA’2013 participants
General (includes a book of proceedings, coffee breaks, lunches and a welcome party)
150 EUR / 6000 RUR
Accompanying person (a book of proceedings is not included)
100 EUR / 4000 RUR
General (includes a book of proceedings, coffee breaks, lunches and a welcome party) for students
75 EUR / 3000 RUR
Reduced (includes a book of proceedings, coffee breaks and lunch for one day)
50 EUR / 2000 RUR
The registration fee can be paid:
• by cash at the Registration Desk (on 25 September);
• by bank transfer in EUR: in this case we shall send you the invoice for payment (for preparing the
invoice, please send us your full name and the kind of the registration fee);
• by bank transfer in RUR: payment should be made according to the following details:
ИНН 5404105174 КПП 540401001
УФК по Новосибирской области (НГТУ л/с 20516У21090)
Банк получателя:
ГРКЦ ГУ Банка России по Новосибирской области г.Новосибирск
БИК 045004001
P/cч. № 40501810700042000002
В назначении платежа указывать обязательно
КБК 00000000000000000130 ИСТ.01042 л/с 20516У21090
Орг. взнос за участие в семинаре AMSA'2013 ФИО участника
Внимание! В платежном поручении при указании "Получателя" не допускаются сокращения или иные изменения.